How to Export Microsoft 365 users to CSV by domains via PowerShell


This one is simple, yet something comes my way occasionally. So here's the simplest way of identifying all users using a domains in your Azure AD Tenant / Microsoft 365. 

You can get a report of all users using a domain using the below cmdlets. You will be prompted to specify the domain name when you run. Repeat the script if you have to search multiple domains.


 # Find Users by domain (includes search in proxy addresses)


$domainname = read-host "Enter the domain name to get users for"

$domain_users= Get-Msoluser -DomainName $domainname -all| Where-Object { $_.UserPrincipalName -like "*$domainname"}

Write-host "Found $($domain_users.count) users in this domain."

$domain_users | select DisplayName,FirstName,LastName,UsageLocation,UserPrincipalName,Islicensed,@{L = "ProxyAddresses"; E = { $_.ProxyAddresses -join ";"}} | Export-csv .\MSOL_Users.csv -notypeinformation -Append


# Find Users by domain (UPN only)


$domainname = read-host "Enter the domain name to get users for"

$domain_users= Get-Msoluser -DomainName $domainname -all| Where-Object { $_.UserPrincipalName -like "*$domainname"}

Write-host "Found $($domain_users.count) users in this domain."

$domain_users | select DisplayName,FirstName,LastName,UsageLocation,UserPrincipalName,Islicensed,@{L = "ProxyAddresses"; E = { $_.ProxyAddresses -join ";"}} | Export-csv .\MSOL_Users-UPN-only.csv -notypeinformation -Append



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